Who We Are

Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is a student activist group at Swarthmore College. We act both to end our college’s financial complicity in the Israeli occupation and to spread awareness of the Israeli government’s human rights violations with the hope of bringing justice to the Palestinian people.



On October 9th 2018, Swarthmore Students for Justice in Palestine launched our Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, calling on Swarthmore College to divest from seven companies invested in Israeli apartheid and occupation in Palestine. We have recently renewed that call, broadening it to include divestment from all aspects that uphold the apartheid state and perpetuate the oppression of Palestinian people. Recognizing that Israel’s decades-long projects of settler-colonialism, apartheid, and occupation are facilitated by the support of international corporations and foreign governments, this movement places nonviolent pressure on the State of Israel to affirm Palestinian humanity and end the ongoing occupation and colonization of Arab lands. As an institution that professes to uphold social concern and responsibility as core values, Swarthmore College has a moral imperative to divest from Israeli apartheid.